Saturday, May 2, 2009

General Motors of the Government of the United States of America

On the front page of the New York Times today was an article covering the story of American car companies and how they have been handling the current economic crisis. In the article we learn that President Obama has allowed Chrysler to become bankrupt, and that they have been bought by foreign car maker Fiat. According to the article, G.M. is a much bigger political issue than Chrysler, and that Obama has plans to force G.M. to make certain decisions. At the moment there is even a proposal from G.M. to the White House, but it has not been approved yet. Later on in the article one learns that there is even a plan to set government representatives on the G.M. board.

The writers do a decent job at presenting information, although much of it is quite difficult to understand unless you are a businessman or have been following from the beginning. While no political bias is truly shown, there is a sense of pessimism, especially near the end where they discuss how it will be difficult for the car companies to compete with foreign companies even if the plans work. This pessimism is understandable considering the state of the economy, yet shouldn’t the news just provide the news not the opinions.

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