Sunday, May 3, 2009

Its Just Fantasy

Hugh Hefner’s life is every man’s dream, three beautiful blondes and a ton of money. What better way to exploit this than make it into a show. “Girls Next Door” is an extremely entertaining show where cameras follow Hefner’s girlfriends as the go through their relaxed life, where they only do what they want to do. It really is entertaining, but mostly because those girls are extremely beautiful, and not to mention a few of their activities are interesting. Of course, you also see the usual dirt that goes on in these “reality” shows. The girls complain about each other, and the one, Holly, definitely comes off as a cocky, neurotic girlfriend.

There is a problem with this show, and a big one. I would never let my younger sister watch it. This show presents a false reality, that girls can get by in life due solely to their looks, I mean lets face it those girls have no real personality. They show younger girls that if they have big enough boobs and a skinny stomach that they don’t have to work, or even think, and can spend all day doing whatever they want. Now, I know that people need to think for themselves and in no way do I think the government or anyone should censor this show. I also don’t think girls shouldn’t be allowed to watch it, but not when there young, and not without being taught that this show is a fantasy. The guys know it, so should the girls. In the end, it all comes down to parents.

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