Sunday, May 3, 2009


If you haven’t seen the recent Yaz birth control commercials, the ones where they spend the whole commercial listing all the negative benefits of Yaz, than you haven’t watched enough television. These commercials are a joke, or at least they are to the viewer. Why is it that they are making commercials that seem to list only negative aspects of their product? Because the FDA “asked” them to after they released a commercial that made Yaz seem to be to perfect.

Now if you actually watch the commercial, it really isn’t that bad. First of all, it’s an advertisement, so of course the company is going to want to make their product seem like it’s the best. That’s what a competitive market does. The commercial does what is required in that it states the possibility of negative health effects. Honestly, it isn’t that much different from any other birth control commercial. Should the one where the girl leaves the group of boring swimmers to become a free-willed beauty have been taken down to?

The whole situation is ridiculous, if you ask me this is the political conservatives trying to bring down the birth control industry by controlling what commercials they can make.

1 comment:

  1. These commercials are quite telling. The FDA ordered Bayer to spend $15 million on ads because they had been misleading women and failing to warn them of the harm that can be caused by this medication.
    It is highly unusual. But the harm caused by Yaz and the risks of PE, stroke and other conditions are very real.


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